Issa Yaqub AJEIGBE




The emergence of corona virus (covid-19) has presented unprecedented challenges for teacher education around the world. In particular, physical education teacher may well suffer the most in the transition from the well-established face-to-face instruction to virtual (online) approach. Many schools and school districts are faced with the challenge of finding the best approaches to deliver distance education including physical education. This informed the researcher to investigate the challenges of teaching physical education. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population for the study comprised all the 25 lecturers in the state tertiary institutions in Kwara State, all the lecturers were used as sample for the study. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study and open ended questionnaire designed in a Yes or No format was used to gather data from the respondents while frequency counts, percentage mean scores were used to analyze the data generated. Finding revealed that majority of the lecturers are making use of online resources to deliver their learning instructions against the traditional method of face-to-face contact with the students. It was also revealed that the online approach is faced with many challenges which hindered its effective use for delivering learning instructions. It was concluded that Covid-19 has led to the implementation of protocols that has changed how teachers teach and communicate with their students and that despite the series of challenges faced by teachers using online teaching efforts were made by teachers to be innovative and technology base literate and that parents were educated to be supportive to their children and wards so that teaching and learning can continue despite the pandemic. Among the recommendations suggested include: The government should increase the funding of education by equipping the schools with technology-based resources to enhance online teaching process among others.

Keywords: Challenges of Teaching P.E, Online resources, Covid-19 Era.

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