Ayodeji Elkanah OLAFARE, Abiodun Ganiu JIMOH, Adenike Abiodun ADEPOJU, Doris Tubokun AKINNODI


The study focused on determining the complimentary effects of activity-based strategy and academic self-efficacy on students‟ mastery of keyboarding skills in Colleges of Education. To achieve the main objective of the study, two specific objectives, two research questions and three null hypotheses were highlighted. The study employed a quasi experimental design of pretest, posttest control group design with 2 x 2 factorial matrixes. The sample consists of 111 NCE I Business Education comprising of 46 students of Adeyemi Colleges of Education, Ondo and 65 students of Tai Solarin College of Education in their intact classes. Keyboarding Skill Test was the instrument developed and validated for data collection. The reliability of the KST was obtained using Cronbach Alpha technique which yielded a coefficient of 0.82. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions while inferential statistics of ANCOVA was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that there is a significant main effect of treatments on mastery of keyboarding skills because students taught keyboarding with activity based strategy had a higher mean mastery scores than those taught with conventional demonstration methods. Also, there slight but insignificant difference between the mean mastery scores of low and high academic self-efficacy students in activity based classroom. The result also indicates that there is no significant interaction effect of treatments and academic self-efficacy on students‟ mastery of keyboarding skills in Colleges of Education. The study therefore concluded that activity based strategy is an effective strategy for enhancing students mastery of keyboarding skills in Colleges of Education. It was recommended among others that business educators should adopt activity based strategy in the inculcation of keyboarding skills in Colleges of Education.


Keywords: Activity-Based Strategy, Academic Self-Efficacy and Mastery of Keyboarding Skills

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