The study examined skill acquisition in Business Education as a catalyst to sustainable National Development. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study consisted of 42 business education lecturers in Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka, Lagos. The whole population was studied because it was not too large for the researchers to handle. A 16-item structured questionnaire was validated by two experts in the field of business education and one expert in measurement and evaluation. Reliability of the study was determined using Crombach Alpha which yielded a co-efficient value of 0.88. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Findings of the study revealed that inadequate funding, laboratories, computer, limited access to internet facilities and a host of others are the challenges to skill acquisition in business education. It was also revealed that skill acquisition in business education has a lot of implications to national development. The study therefore recommended among others that, the government at both federal and state levels should ensure adequate release of funds for the procurement of training facilities for practical teaching of business education courses in tertiary institutions and that the curriculum planners should review business education curriculum to enable the students acquire the required skills for the world of work and to establish their own businesses.
Keywords: Skill Acquisition, Business Education, Catalyst, Sustainable Development
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