This study assessed the impact of virtual learning platform in addressing the issue of large class as perceived by education students in Federal University Dutsin-Ma Katsina State. The target population was all seven hundred and thirty-two (732) three hundred level education students at the Faculty of Education in Federal University Dutsin-Ma who registered for Educational Technology course. Three hundred and sixty-six participants were randomly selected using simple random sampling technique from the total population. Researchers’ designed questionnaire was used to elicit responses from the respondents. The validation of the instrument was done by two lecturers in the Faculty of Education in the Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State. The instrument was pilot-tested using 20 students who are not part of the main study. The instrument reliability was established by using Cronbach Alpha and the value obtained are: Section A = 0.78; Section B = 0.75 respectively. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages as well as inferential statistics of t-test. The findings of the study revealed that the respondents agreed that virtual learning could be used to ease the issue of large class during teaching/learning activities in tertiary institutions. The finding also confirmed that the respondents preferred virtual learning resources for addressing the issue of large class in the process of teaching/learning activities in the tertiary institutions. The findings showed no differences in the perceived benefits of using virtual learning in addressing the issue of large class based on gender. It equally revealed no significant differences in the preference of virtual learning in addressing the issue of large class based on gender. Based on these findings, it was recommended that the proprietors at all levels should encourage the use of virtual learning in the tertiary institutions by making adequate provision to fund it.
Keywords: Perception, Tertiary, Institution, Virtual Learning, Dutsin-Ma, Educational Zone
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