Olusola Taiwo Onasoga, Saheed Olatunde Akinsanya




The paper investigated the implication of social vices among business education students for national development. The study employed a descriptive survey research design with three specific purposes, research questions and hypotheses. Population of the study was 670 comprising 295 teaching staff and 375 non-teaching staff of Federal College of Education, Abeokuta. A total sample of 220 respondents were randomly selected using stratified random sampling technique for the study. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire tagged “Social Vices among Business Education Students Questionnaire” (SUBESQ), with 4 points rating scale. The instrument went through face and content validation by three experts. The reliability of the instrument was ensured using the cronbach alpha method and the result yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.75. Two hundred and twenty copies of the questionnaire were administered and all were retrieved with the help of research assistants. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyse the data collected to answer the research questions. The hypotheses were tested using t-test at 0.05 level of significance. The study found among others that peer pressure, get-rich-quick syndrome and broken homes are some of the causes of social vices among business education students. Examination malpractices, drug abuse, indecent dressing, sexual promiscuity and cultism are social vices exhibited by business education students and also, loss of lives and properties, self-destructionand increase in unemployment rate are some of the resultant effects of social vices for national development. The paper concluded that social vices among business education students is a cankerworm eating deep into the future of our youths. The paper therefore recommended among others that children should be encouraged by their parent on the need to enrol for business education programme as it offers the necessary skills, knowledge and competence which help to bridge the gap between theory and practice; and business educators should be guided by moral, psychological and physical support to students by teaching it, preaching it, and living by it, as these will help students to avoid or deal with social vices.


Keywords: Social Vices, Business Education Students, Implication, National Development

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